open Unix
(*atomic rename*)
let save_data2 path data =
let flags = [O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_EXCL] in
(*unix flags are here:*)
(*|O_WRONLY - Open for writing
|O_CREAT - Create if nonexistent
|O_EXCL - Fail if existing*)
let chmod = 0o644 in
(* chmod permissions read/write admin, others can only read *)
let fd = openfile path flags chmod in
let _ = write fd (Bytes.of_string data) 0 (String.length data) in
close fd;
| Sys_error msg -> Error (msg)
| exn -> Error (Printexc.to_string exn)
(*execution context*)
let () =
(* Seed the random number generator *)
Random.self_init ();
let tmp_path = Printf.sprintf "%s.tmp.%d" "db3.bin" ( 1000000) in
match save_data2 tmp_path "will create new file?" with
| Ok () -> print_endline "File saved successfully."
| Error msg -> print_endline ("Error saving file: " ^ msg)
Renaming a file to an existing one replaces it atomically; deleting the old file is not needed (and not correct).
Pay attention to the meaning of the jargon, whenever you see “X is atomic”, you should ask “X is atomic with respect to what?” In this case: