The code first sorts the input array which takes O(n log n) time complexity. Then it iterates through the groups of size k, which would take O(n) time. Therefore, the overall time complexity is O(n log n).
var isPossibleDivide = function (nums, k) {
if (nums.length % k) return false;
let check = true;
let gp = Array.from({
length: nums.length / k
}, () => []);
let s = nums.sort((a, b) => a - b);
for (g of gp) {
while (g.length < k) {
if (!g.length) {
s.splice(0, 1);
} else {
let val = s.find(x => x > g[g.length - 1]);
s.splice(s.indexOf(val), 1);
if (g.length != k) {
check = false;
for (let i = 1; i < g.length; i++) {
if (g[i] != g[i - 1] + 1) {
check = false;
return check;