/* memory mgmt */
use std::alloc::{alloc, dealloc, Layout};
fn main() {
unsafe {
/* unsafe Rust because direct memory management bypasses
some of Rust's safety guarantees, such as automatic memory
deallocation and bounds checking. */
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(16, 8).unwrap();
// Layout describes the memory's size and alignment.
// Creating Layout: Layout::from_size_align(16, 8) creates a memory layout of 16 bytes size and 8 bytes alignment
// unwrap() is used to handle any potential errors in creating
// the layout, which could occur if the alignment is not a power of two
let ptr = alloc(layout);
// Memory Allocation: alloc(layout) allocates memory according
// to the layout. It returns a raw pointer to the start of the allocated block
if !ptr.is_null() {
*(ptr as *mut u32) = 42; // Write a value into the allocated memory
// The pointer ptr is cast to a *mut u32, a mutable pointer to a u32,
// to store the value 42 in the allocated memory
println!("Value at allocated memory: {}", *(ptr as *mut u32));
dealloc(ptr, layout); // Clean up: free the memory