Energy Homework
A wholly virtual lobotomy presented to me the temptation to write this short treatise on thinking. Ruffled feathers and many stepped-on toes, coupled with my distance from academia offered an opportunity to experiment with knowledge in an independent, informal setting so strong I could not resist.
What follows is a beginner’s attempt at popular philosophy, structured as an ontology revealed in real-time, a metaphysics borrowed from an asymptote broadcast, and an epistemological discussion folded into a ironic gander around what passes off as understanding in the present milieu.
The title comes from the colloquial phrase “energy dog ate my energy homework”, aimed to not just take a dig at the Kuhnian failings of modern theoretical science, but also the ossification of religious persuit.
It is hoped the reader is able to steal some new, interesting semblances of stability out of this for days to come.
Dr. Sirius B. Manhattan
December 2024