Crazy New Ideas
- Few understand how feeble new ideas look when they first appear. So if you want to have new ideas yourself, one of the most valuable things you can do is to learn what they look like when they’re born. Read about how new ideas happened, and try to get yourself into the heads of people at the time. How did things look to them, when the new idea was only half-finished, and even the person who had it was only half-convinced it was right?
On Haters:
A hater is obsessive and uncritical. Disliking you becomes part of their identity, and they create an image of you in their own head that is much worse than reality. Everything you do is bad, because you do it. If you do something good, they find a way to see it as bad. And their dislike for you is not, usually, a quiet, private one. They want everyone to know how awful you are.
That word “fraud” is an important one. It’s the spectral signature of a hater to regard the object of their hatred as a fraud.
Knowing that haters are just fanboys with the sign bit flipped makes it much easier to deal with them. We don’t need a separate theory of haters. We can just use existing techniques for dealing with obsessive fans.
- But it’s a false analogy to think of a hater as someone you have a dispute with. It’s an understandable mistake, if you’ve never encountered haters before. But when you realize that you’re dealing with a hater, and what a hater is, it’s clear that it’s a waste of time even to think about them. If you have obsessive fans, do you spend any time wondering what makes them love you so excessively? No, you just think “some people are kind of crazy,” and that’s the end of it.
How to work hard
- The only way to find the limit is by crossing it. Cultivate a sensitivity to the quality of the work you’re doing, and then you’ll notice if it decreases because you’re working too hard. Honesty is critical here, in both directions: you have to notice when you’re being lazy, but also when you’re working too hard. And if you think there’s something admirable about working too hard, get that idea out of your head. You’re not merely getting worse results, but getting them because you’re showing off — if not to other people, then to yourself. [6]