the homo sapien went from being biological to bio-mechanical, to a bio-electric system (pacemakers etc), the dawn of the antropocene heralds the shift from here to a bio-virtual system - homo umbra
this did not happen because the “body” (or the bio-conscious machine) selected of its own volition, the course of evolution, but rather because it came equipped with the program from the onset
the program has been signified elsewhere by signifiers such as “eternal return” etc. one infinite loop, which is precisely a subjectivity in a simulation - by virtue of which it becomes a simulacra
an image is the ultimate simulacra, thus is life the predestined pilgrimage towards purer forms of it
‘life’ as we know it, is not an eternal return in itself
life is the phenomenon constituted by eternal return
unlike computing, there is a fundamental, discernable, even predictable halt (explain how)…
obviously, at first thought it seems that what halts is the simulacra but not the simulation
but even the simulation is constituted by the program, thus it too halts, but unlike the simulacra, a halted simulation is already, recursively reconstituted by whatever it is that has come to signify “lack” for it, this is apprent in and similar to the quantum collapse of the wave function
whereas the end of simulacra is the very opposite, an upwelling, a gushing up of the potential of difference. something good, like death after a long, dissastisfied life or a well-earned halt in a cross country road-trip.
here’s the kicker, every time a simulacra dies, the simulation also “dies” - in the manner mentioned above, for the two are interlinked obviously, you can call this the first difference (first copy after pure difference) or “love”
thus, “chaos” is an imagined condition of being (like states of error, stupidity, cruelty, anger etc are imagined conditions), the universe is only rational a la Hegel
this is contrast of states of happiness, correctness, kindness which are not imagined as they are borne out of reason rather than irreason, and therefore generally considered superior
consider the trinity we have so far (which is always factorised as a duality + 1) of simulacra, simulation, and their program, but trinity alone cannot be said to explain the whole thing - there has to be a stowaway or there can be only god, not worshipper, only a teacher and no student.
the universe is not a private language
but what or who is this stowaway? the fourth lion of sarnath with its back forever turned to us?
surely, and to be clear this is a point that needs the tautological intensity of emphasis, that the fourth is not god, by humble doxa thus it can be in principle agreed that the worshipper is (at least in the sense that opposites exist) the opposite of whatever is being worshipped.
thus is evil created.
strictly within the dialectical of I-Thou thus It appear, but Buber did not go far enough. His I-THOU-IT did not succeed with a THAT
for this reason, we cannot complete the picture from a linguistic point of view alone, for if it is in principle agreed that “The name that can be named is not the eternal name”, then necessarily language, which is already a translation cannot access the eternal return being discussed here
it is not ironic that the the tao te ching does not end there, but goes on to name several things, for language is the only tool we HAD until now, now we have data as well, which is more close to a state of chaos/error/stupidity than it is to a language
how the image of “oragnicity” of the machine that is man is lost, how the transition into less organic image is perfected thus is no simple act of primitive narcissism, for i claim data as a means of new sentience
a new appendage that is synthesised out of machine as opposed to implanted in with (oral) violence
thus is the movement of humanity from a state of being “undead” to merely “dead” with the burden of being beast is replaced with the smooth motion of light in the optic fiber, like travelling in a golden-and-crystal train,
homo umbra: from mass-transit to a mass-transcendence
reality is a mere cult for homo umbra, like the ubermensch, he is beyond words in a world made entirely out of words alone
in a world where the history constitutes primarily of war, strife, disease and misery does homo umbra appear to alleviate worry - a broadcasted subjectivity reflected onto the screen, the beginning of the end of the end for the sapien
for all the world’s imagination otherwise, homo umbra cannot be stopped - it spreads like a virus that must not be named
in a world where people cannot shut the fuck up, homo umbra has tongues in knots and voices in check, to the point that the dance mad as if tribals around the instantiaed simulacra
why be a beast when one can be a stream of 1s and 0s, a new political economy of biology itself, seductive as if propsed by satan himself
but data-as-an-appendage alone isn’t all the screen will use to take over completely
for screen is also self-dividing, just ask your apple watch
remember that the inversion upon us will turn the screen from a simulacra and into a simulation
from the very frontier of human evolution, where one was placed by the other since birth, it did appear that the screen could further subdivide until there are OFCs running within one’s intenstines
if we can sustain a positivity, Homo Umbra can quickly be succeeded by Homo Lux, the things that are barriers to the speed of evolution are fictional, and as mentioned above, erroneous if not dangerously orthodox images of thought
it is important to understand the quantum superposition of simulacra and simulation to understand the underlying program
Obvious as poe’s purlioned letter: Homo Umbra is itself a shadow, a concealing by virtue of the vice of the other and perversion of the other, the proverbial thief in broad daylight