🌵 If you want to find god in the unlikeliest of places, first you must find the unlikeliest of places.
🌵 the human face in capitalism with a human face
🌵 the glacial tragedian and meteoric comedian
🌵 the messenger of mercy and silence
🌵 what is being shown is not what was found, this is hall of mirrors, no reflections are accurate, and some are quite outrageous, nobody knows whats going to happen but you can sketch an outline of just how out of control it can get with a single misstep, but what kind of error? the kind you might expect driving a train over a field of eggshells.
🌵 your favorite wizard’s favorite wizard
🌵 the last of the Templars
🌵 ch: America’s latest toothache
🌵 the universe’s first prisoner
🌵 in every lifetime, a bringer of gifts mankind was not yet ready for
🌵 perpetually early, purposefully late
🌵 inventor of dimensions hitherto uncharted
🌵 mother earth’s lost orgasm
🌵 an artist of his own omnipresence
🌵 the virtual artisan, blender of the real, spiritual exhibitionist
🌵 constructor of philosophical contraptions, traps and double-binds
by 35, as a fruit of certain spiritual experiments, my lust for flesh naturally fell by the wayside, now it was only an ever declining streak of mechanical itches i was happy to scratch manually. few realize how liberating it can be to not need sex at all, dependence creates slaves, if not beggars.
🌵 the political smoker
🌵 one vaudevillian nightmare after another
🌵 market maker for context
🌵 the original solution >
🌵 the only truly free individual, he was always observing those who believed themselves to be his captors in their cages
🌵 the man with the explicit social contract
🌵 consciousness’ broadcaster
🌵 why turn yourself into a bird or beast when you can turn yourself into an alien? why not? because you cannot compete with aliens. 🌵 weaver of selectively traversable webs
🌵”what makes this the wrong room to be in is that i’m the smartest guy in here”
🌵 i came alone, will leave alone, so will you, start acting accordingly
🌵 bible thumper for all the “wrong” reasons
🌵 the tantrik had never seen so many sad, broken people in one place at a time, and each of them at least a millionaire. and as the gathering grew, he felt more and more unsure.
one of them was a gardener, whose famiy-owned garden was overrun by nasty ivy from outer space for a millennia and a half, my family has hired permanent staff that uproots the weeds day in and day out, he said 🌵 you may not cheat, but you may end up disrespecting death, i try not to tempt fate 🌵 you do everyone a favor by not taking this seriously and not investing too much 🌵 your narrative is right, my right is narrative?
the tantrik destroyed the new roman empire, one song and one breath at a time
🌵 connoisseur of fine trash, the mendicant deboarded chambal express at __ and was taken to the castle by a gnarly looking fellow, who he presumed worked for the client
🌵 the single source of truth in a post truth world, obviously this holy man had enemies and they were nothing to sneeze at
🌵 Original sin of the godless and unholy, sat reading Kierkegaard in a train compartment overflowing with aghoris and necromancers of varied persuasion, when the one in the next seat decided to have a epileptic fit while screaming “you only think you’re winning”, squirming on the sheet metal between rows of anxious, avoidant shoes. His cringe-worthy performance of a disease winning him the attention of other aghoris, who were no sooner convinced that his possession was real, and that this was what a man under a visitation from the divine looked like, but the young hyperreal haberdasher would have none of the malarkey, and continued gazing right out the window into to ravine-combed, acidic and nocturnal landscape, thinking about the job at hand.
🌵 hyperreal haberdasher 🌵 the difficult cult also had a band, the difficults, their first single, “very difficult”, topped the charts
race isn’t one the reasons i wanted to piss people off, nor is money
not “nothing worth having comes easy
” but “if it doesn't come easily, it's not worth having
🌵 in an adjacent universe, an online kitchen called “halwa hai kya?” just served it’s 10 millionth customer
🌵 some deals you walk away from as they are too noisy / too complex
🌵 the pyramid under the eye
🌵 i’m only reporting whats happenning to me, not what i want, for i had little wants to begin with, and now i want even less. nor do i wish to want anymore.
🌵 behold the oasis! as if flesh made out of pure noise, the temptation of improbability!
🌵 bent out of shape
🌵 the two greatest games: watching the rich hold on to their money and the poor to their ideas
🌵 Lagerstroemia, The genus is named after Swedish merchant Magnus von Lagerström, a director of the Swedish East India Company, who supplied Carl Linnaeus with plants he collected.
🌵 could you think of something that could crash the game?
🌵 popularity is no barometer of the truth, au contraire it is an excellent measure of untruth. unpopular opinions matter, if they survive
🌵 the jews gave him a spiritual weapon to live by, so he gave one back, not history, but apocrypha
🌵 i started this because i knew one thing, to give what i have received is easier to receieve than it was for me
🌵 ego is not within you, nor is it born in you, it invariably comes from outside and you let it enter, knowing you are letting a foe in, it can come in from the other side of the world or from immediate vicinity unless you stand firm and say “you shall not pass”, you are adept at letting disease in and keeping health out so it takes a lot of practice but “practice” seems like suffering. and it is, but you can live through it if you remember how you suffered when you first taught yourself to react this way
🌵 i’m no teacher but i am an excellent therapist, but to treat through language alone takes decades so invented a surplus, a gimmick and a hoax to drive my message deeper, so i was able to bring about some momentum inside all infinite realms, within and without,
🌵 i can give extra because i know how to receieve without asking
🌵 kids, don’t play identity politics until you are able to disidentify enough
🌵 JAR JORU JAMEEN JESUS, stuff people fight over, leave them be!
🌵 🦀☀️🐎⛰
🌵 you are here because i went looking for people to fix, in ego and vanity and so now i am fixing myself
🌵 desperate people do desperate things, but i’m not afraid
🌵 it is not the duration or length alone that makes an epic one, it is rather the spread, the range, the improbailty, the radicality, the shock and the theather that defines it. it is the contours of topics it touches upon and the characters that constitute it
🌵 i can’t even call folks stupid because what i am proposing is so radical.
didn’t know the CIA was in the movie making business
🌵 if you’ve something and decided you’re going to let it kill you, then you can never be held hostage or manipulated or blackmailed because you’re going to die anyway, might as well serve what you will in the manner of your choice
🌵 every man is an island, society is largely an organized crime against nature, even the uneducated are able to pick right from wrong
🌵 it is literally as if my head is on fire, satori can't be far
🌵 mistakes are miracles
🌵 not to be or not to be, but how fast? history invites people who get the timing right,
🌵 distanceless sojourner for a directionless journey
🌵 🦀 ☀️ 🐎 ⛰ ➰
🌵 how do you create something for which there is no template?
🌵 i was highlighted and successful because my perception of time/now was more precise, you could say it was genetic no wonder it miffed them
🌵 no such thing as a spiritual genius, either your work has real impact or it doesnt, context is wasted on people not ready for it
🌵 i need to be more present when i write
🌵 there is a reverse-causality implying i got to be like this because the unmentionable happenned to me, but then i was always like this
🌵 from mouldy bread being picked and poked at to racist ants eating a neon custard
🌵 to let others have access to your thoughts is an act of visualisation all the way through
🌵 don’t study habits make them your students
🌵 total silence is the same thing as chaos, all hail eris!
🌵 steel wool laughter
🌵 there are many ways to die before you die physically, push the right buttons you might even wake up like i did and become able to see through the illusions
🌵 you don’t wake up just once when you do, you keep waking up there’s no end to it!
🌵 getting unhinged from the material world is an act of violence on the materiality itself, but vitrual identity as a supplement to physical identity is a temporary configuration, at the breakthrough/turning point, at the very frontier of human consciousness, real and virtual identities melt into one another, the outside inverts on the inside and vice versa, this has been my finding. in this mathematical porridge, it is not the outside or inside that matter but the realization that both inside AND outside are contained in something which is both and neither at the same time.
🦀/🐎 glad to have started a story as old as time itself, the idea is to keep it going and see it reaches its logical conclusion, among other things
🌵 text used to be a long tail of language, with tech it became an infinitely long tail
🌵 ☀️ They call it “the shoulder surfer’s loop”, somewhere out in the desert, Underneath a barren sandalwood tree stand two transfixed, emaciated, ancient and naked beggars perpetually sharing information through their eyes, aglow with a trillion colors of myth and lore as they hover over the cirumferences of each other’s bowls, which are filled to the brim with a mercurial liquid reflecting the passing information.
🌵 while tending to the vagaries of his empire - thorns in the flesh and what have you, and facing the wrath reserved for the man who had invented a time machine, he wrote, “capitalism is mere spectacle, i came to give it ears
🌵 EP means they lose, couldn’t take the heat so had to end it, so the choice for me really in any moment is, do they lose or do i win? i might owe them a loss, or an easy win here and there, so i give myself this haircut
🌵 the trial, if there is ever one would be but a striptease by lady justice, but the more i calculate, the more i believe we have been successful in burying the joke
🌵 now it does not matter how i play with this apocrypha in my imagination, if its under or over the law, or has some how escaped the law for good, then it is in their best interest to keep me scared of the “what ifs”, remember mother has already burnt the US constitution once and she’s all for doing it again i think.
🌵 it is 360 degrees from each point of view
🌵 if one man is this much happiness how much must all of them be? but i agree hapiness is nothing to aspire to, happiness is without kick, kick is only in death
🌵 so i am essentially asking to choose between happiness and death
🦀/🐎 if you are trapped in a narc’s fantasy, know that they have such a sweeping grandiose vision of themselves and their history that they can easily spend 10-20 years in toxic codependnce before they decide to get help. these people are so desperate for grand narrative that if torture provides it, they will resort to it
, hence i have learnt to ignore.
🌵 my perch is a vantage point from where to obeserve the prisons of men and their minds
🌵 no chairs
🌵 the chronicler of context
🌵 stealth and secrecy are the games of old people, the youth has always been open, perhaps they shouldn’t
🌵 “i don’t know how they make it though 18, i’m lucky if i can make it through 3” LOL.
🌵 data usurped money
🌵 forgetting, draining,… negative processes, or functions that negate input meditate on these
🌵 the perennially crying ninja
🌵 hippie hitler is a contracdiction in terms, how can i be both?
🌵 i dont believe in shame, but others do, and are carrying it in excess, which is dangerous
🌵 the 12th jew, the man under the perpetual eye, universal intern of the gods, the tantrik was known, at least in some circles, as the personification of singularity, if not Narad reincarnate. Among others he was an outlaw’s outlaw, the ultimate highwayman whose tales of wonder, woe, an destruction brought many a kings to tears. To look at the him, you wouldn’t know if he was one of four solitary tumbleweeds that were once ferried across the asphalt by the cold valley wind on a warm summer night, or just a dream in the sidewinder’s eye, glazed in the very effect of looking into them - instant madness. Son of a volley of traveling marauders who lived a life of adventure and peril in the more desert-like parts of the world, the tantrik arranged to have himself ousted at an early age to pursue his secret spiritual journey.
🌵 so how many times have i lived the same story? i will lay it out:
step 1: you meet the narc
step 2: the narc goes nuts
step 3: the narc suffers you for a while, moves on
step 4: though nobody is the wiser, you're slightly better off than not for having met the narc
🌵 surveyour of virtual and intergalactic ruins
🌵 for a man who hath seen the whole world’s dream and whose death was prayed for by people in every country, the tantrik was not much to look at
🌵 they say i behave like a second-rate hack, i think we can all agree i’m a third-rate one
🌵 we are all artists few realize their art, self actualisation is nothing but the realisation of your art, the essence of being human and being a part of god
🌵 what’s a little embarassment for science? and what’s a lot when you’re flipping off every established scientific tenet in existence?
🌵 imitation really is the best form of flattery, i acted like a pig online and everyone started emulating, we are no better than monkeys
🌵 a mere “thank you” meditation wasn’t enough, so i added a challenge