for tantra each breath is rebirth / cycle / dying and reborn with each breath and short gap between the two
5th technique between two eyebrows, given to pythagoras in egypt
6th when in worldly activities keep attentive between two breaths
you dont have a face, mirrors (including other’s eyes) give you faces
When form disappears, your beloved becomes the universe, the formless, the infinite.
Dissolve the form! When things become formless, dizzy, without boundaries, every thing entering another, the whole universe becoming a oneness, then only is it a wonder-filled universe.
“When I was young I used to say, philosophy is an inquiry for ultimate answers. Now I cannot say it. It is an inquiry for endless questions.” - Bertrand Russel
Mind IS the doubt.
These one hundred and twelve methods of meditation constitute the whole science of transforming mind. We will enter them one by one. We will try to comprehend first intellectually. But use your intellect only as an instrument, not as a master.