let even the remedy itself go, no more examination, no more remembering that all is dream
all is phenomenon, that which can be seen/experienced is a dream, all phenomenon are dreams
posess anything and you are possessed by it, even a meditation technique
ego is a by product of the illusion that whatsoever your seeing is true, if you think continuously all is a dream, suddenly in a dream you will remember that this is a dream too… and you will see your dream disappearing
all minds are idiots, origin of idiocy means something private, something special, something of your own, something eccentric, mind always functions in an eccentric way, intelligence arises out of no mind
mind always needs props, it cannot live without them
sannyas is nothing but a closing of doors
sannyas is just a gesture from your side that yes understanding has dawned
becoming a sanyassin simply means you have declared your freedom
the real master will always disappoint you, he has to